Below is a collection of some of the work I’ve done or contributed to! You can check out my full professional experience, including past jobs and internships, on my LinkedIn.
Collaborative work with the Baby Brain Lab
I have been working on a project investigating the relationships between regional brain morphometry (surface area and cortical thickness) and language abilities in infants with and without autism. This is a collaboration between my lab and the Baby Brain Lab at UT Dallas, led by Dr. Meghan Swanson. My job for the project has primarily been designing and executing the data analysis, and at time of writing we have begun working on a manuscript for publication. Recently, I had the chance to present some of this work at the INSAR 2022 Annual Meeting, which you can read about in my post about the conference.
For my first year project in my PhD, I developed a new multivariate analysis called partial least squares multiple factor analysis (PLSMFA). Say that five times fast.
- The R package that I wrote to perform the analysis is available on my GitHub.
- I gave a talk on the technique at the Psychology Lecture Series at UT Dallas, and the video is available here (it’s not all statistics, there’s a healthy dose of beer, too).
Visualization of Latent Components Assessed in O*NET Occupations (VOLCANO)is a Shiny App for running and visualizing PCA and clustering on occupation data from O*NET.
- The app is available online.
- The code for the app and the forthcoming publication are available on GitHub.
- The preprint of our paper is available on PsyArXiv.
Git & GitHub Tutorial for Scientists: It’s Not Only for Programmers
The miraculous Micaela Chan wrote a great book that is an introduction to git and GitHub.
It’s geared towards scientists who don’t consider themselves programmers, but who write code and therefore should use git!
Even as someone who identifies as a programmer, I find the book to be extremely helpful, and I come back to it as a reference every now and then.
Recently, I had the honor of writing a short section in Chapter 11 on git revert